15 August 2007. This morning: sol y sombra. Tiny golden-haired creature wanders past the window, almost looking in. Mothers and their daughters--Yael, Hannah, Celeste... At dawn--lithe figure in pool, dolphin awaiting a child. El mundo entero...
Talking with Christophe, almost unexpectedly--as if we walked this way every few days or so. Smell of the camphor trees, black pine--California live oak, privet, ash...a blue-flowered bush from Ethiopia, the one that he planted here--color of Sandra's eyes, as B spoke of them, after Sandra was gone...
El Río Sin Orejas--a book of origins, and the sense we make of them. Sunlight through clerestory window, just above the whispers of fog. Alongside, A Nubian maiden...
(for Christophe)
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