Friday, October 12, 2007

Analect 2.176x

12 October 2007. Gray and rain, glossy street, gleaming yellow curb on dark wet asphalt of the 7-eleven lot. Hunched figures, back and forth, incipient winter clothes. Interiors: Nicola curled up on the downstairs soft chair, a room inside a room. Natasha on the wicker couch, also deep inside...singing.

Taoist immortal on a Tyson Street bluff, Oceanside. The Pacific. A blue-green rubber raft, in mid-July, 1954-- paddling out with first set of fins, swirling turn in even greener water, then whooshing down the face of a wave...

The shape of a gourd. Emblematic--living form, below and then above--growing, that is, the smaller following the larger, held up to the sky...

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