16 June 2010. Molokan, an older man with scythe, Russian harvest. Their settlement in the Valley of Guadalupe, Baja California... Grape vines and olive trees...
From an article in the Los Angeles Times, September 1, 1907:
There are about 2,000 Molokane at present living in this city. They have wearied of city life and its limitations and many temptations for the young people of the colony. For months the dream of the Russians has been a tract of land in the sister republic, where they could worship according to their peculiar tenets and live a semi-community life. Philip H. Shubin, Abraham G. Desatoff and Efim A. Urin, three patriarchal elders, went to view the promised land. Tracts on the east and west coast were surveyed, but according to Hack, no immediate decision was made.
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