Thursday, July 15, 2010

Analect 2.751x

15 July 2010. Warm sun, white produce truck alongside, briefly, young driver hops back in, holding one or another liquid...

Vlaga, as the Mason expounds to Pierre in the waiting room of a remote post station--a purifying moisture...

Temnaya Noch--Dark Is the Night, with Mark Bernes singing, just the guitar and a few deceptively simple notes, decisive and mournful... Frieze-like frames of his wartime companions, piecing out their letters home in an underground bunker, on the front, faces held against another kind of darkness...

For a few moments--sound of water, dripping from above, overflowing...

* * *

(Note: Image in the words of the song--"...I know that you're not asleep, and by the baby's crib, you secretly wipe away a tear...")

Temnaya Noch--Dark Is the Night

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