Friday, January 28, 2011

Analect 2.841x

28 January 2011. Gray again, cold to the bone...

Gathered around small table, warm room...yerba mate, Cruz de Malta, a golden-brown gourd with silver rim, large in size, filled with dusky herb. Bombilla--bright metal--set in along the side, water near boiling. Fogón, a camp fire on the pampa--the word itself indigenous in origen, from the language of the Indians of the Andes...Quechua, meaning "llanura"--an open plain. More "empty" really--an expanse of land where the sun sets over a long horizon. " morir el sol allá, detras de los juncos..." You see it die, there, beyond the reeds...

Lagunas y sauzales...

Thoughts of Chuck, and the sea...

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