Wednesday, August 01, 2007

Analect 2.145x

30 July 2007. Gray morning, golden cast to sky in south. White workman's truck--number 18--with tool rack and ladder, one fine celadon hose coiled neatly over stanchion on back. Illuminated brake light now as he pulls out... The things of Europe--William's paintings, for instance. Suffusion of Italian light--the Borgo of Santo Sepolcro, his home--San Sepolcro--founded by two pilgrims, on their return from the Holy Land. Or a procession on the way to Jasna Góra. Gathering of young people, all sorts. They refer to themselves as hippies--hippisi po polsku--all peace signs and beads, Ottoman kerchiefs and woven vests, macramé, stars. Ingenuous, too, and scruffily appealing--as if hope might be renewed along the road, their faces, along the path...

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