Wednesday, July 09, 2008

Analect 2.306x

9 July 2008. Disk of red sun against smokey sky in the evening, reflected again in smoked-glass bar room window of the Sky Lounge. Memories, always... justo así...

"Tuve un overo rosao,
un alazán y un picaso
que pa’ cualquier tiro ‘e lazo
nada mejor he encontrao,
un malacara bragao
voluntarioso y seguro
y, pa’ salir de un apuro,
huyendo del alvoroto
tuve un overo poroto
un tobiano y un oscuro..."

* * *

"De cabello esparcido..."

1 comment:

Anthony Dubovsky said...

"I had a rosy dappled horse
a cinnamon one, with patches of light and dark
and however I throw the lasso
not a better have I found,
with a mottled face, whitish in color,
willful, capricious and sure
taking off in a dash
fleeing from tumult...
I had a dappled young one
mottled and dark..."

* * *

"With scattered hair..."

(My rough translation. The first fragment is from a song recorded by Atahualpa Yupanquí); the second, from "Carcel," by the Argentine poet, José Pedroni.)