Friday, January 08, 2010

Analect 2.534x (да и скоро будем знать)‏

8 January 2010. Gray and cold, sprinkle of rain, warm within, the seamless rungs of a song...

Leonid Utesov, played by tiny earphone on the docks of San Francisco--the former docks, I should say. Now one vast (yet somehow not intolerable) playland. Maybe the weather--a beautiful overcast day, silver skies disappearing into mist, boats lapping on waters of Vologda wax, faces with verifiable smiles. A man photographs a strutting gull, his ladyfriend just to the side, offering tidbits (off camera). Russian voices everywhere--their high-chested walk--all above the waist--Artur Eisen's progeny, moved now to the west. We turn the last corner to the sound of seals. Sea lions--big ones, wet and brown, huddling in one gemütlich communal pile...

Proshchal'naya Komsomol' or gull... We'll know soon.

We'll know soon...

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