Monday, June 07, 2010

Analect 2.728xc

7 June 2010. Reading Babel' in the car. Say that again? Reading Babel' in the car, 7-eleven lot, fairly early, with all the appropriate street noise and passers-by. (Go to the people, Gorky said.) A small woman swings by, American jeans and a foreign air...

Benya Krik and the "poltora zhida"--Jew-and-a-half, in old Odessa...

Last night, late--with Prince Andrei again, on the edge of the battlefield, Austrian town below, swarming with French troops. Battery commander Tushin--the true hero to date--holding his own under the relentless fire of ten enemy cannon...

Enemy, in Russian: "nepriyatel'"--the unpleasant one...

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