1 February 2010. Grey clouds and blue, a subtle tumble...
Корреспондент газеты <Крассной Кавалерист> Лютов... At your service, sir. No, not the right way to put it. More, "Ready...!" As in the man with a plan. Image of Jack Lelane, his shoulders shrouded in bay mist, a dark cold-water swimmer's cap pulled low, towing two, three, four or more life boats across the rough channel... Alcatraz...
My father, Byelorussia in 1921. Bullets whirling. The Chinese Bolshevik fighter alongside, kneeling with rifle raised, urging him to do the same. Later, standing before a committee of commisars, each one known, "Osher, how can you leave us, what we are building here..."
Choices, articulate and unknown. As in the shape of a sparrow, or the flaired stroke of a white-bristle filbert... Bonnard--each touch his own...
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