Wednesday, January 16, 2008

Analect 2.215x

16 January 2008. Sunlight on yellow broom, tucked into grillwork of large white truck. Man in black with shaven head, just a sliver, pops into cab of Pacific Heating & Plumbing vehicle across the way. Y lo demás...and all the rest. Like the woman in blue hood, just alongside, tilt-up dark glasses over her specs, a pair of red mittens tucked into her right pocket. A long time before I glimpse her face...

Idumentaria del gaucho. Para el especialista? The word itself, from the Quechua, "huachu", an orphan or vagabond. Or the Arabic, "chaucho," a variety of latigo. Or (from another source) the Araucano, "Gachú"--camarada o amigo, hombre de origen español que habita las llanuras de la América...

Chaleco, ceñido, tirador. Calzoncillos, bombachas, facón de plata. Espeulas, botas de potro. The latter cut from hide, the lower leg of the animal itself. Cruel. Fitted to the rear of the foot of the rider--un jinete...

Las llanuras de la América...

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