Thursday, January 31, 2008

Analect 2.223x

31 January 2008. Pearl gray skies with whisp of cloud hovering over rooftops of the cotidienne, one silver line separating the heavens. Halfmoon awaits over lost beaches--something from Lorca--the lonely solitude of September, unvisited...unredeemed.

A conversation--those that we might yet have. Touch of raw umber mixed in with ultramarine, titanium white. Bringing alive. Tiny figure, dark shoulders, facing the east. Or west? They both matter. Yesterday evening: a circle of backs, seen from the hall. Joe's class, gathered around. He's down there, somewhere, floor level, doing his thing--an inveterate magic. Primate behavior--to test and smell. Asian girl in loose white top, black tights, perched on a table top for better view. "Joe, Tony's here." Nod of no--don't tell him--I step back--don't break the spell...

1 comment:

Anonymous said...


Thank you for the beauty. I understand to the best of my ability... This one-- the spell, and of the first of february's. Really think I know what you mean. Of course the feeling, though, is altogether different. Will never really know.
ps- thanks for letting me send you comments. i get to test my eloquence of written expression. better get back to practicing my physical expression eloquence in studio, though. it needs help.
maybe i can stop my your office hours to talk?