Friday, May 02, 2008

Analect 2.266x

2 May 2008. Medium gray sky with hint of sun, light from the east. Two brothers at middle monitor, narrow spreadsheet for one or another business application. Low-pitched rapid-fire Misrachi Hebrew, syllables purring back and forth, intense cologne. Mixture of hesitance and insistance...

Yesterday: Pierwszy Maj--the First of May. International Day of the Worker, Warszawa, 1969. Lenin's effigy writ large, red on white on giant wall, posterized treatment of all shapes--as if this reductive flatness might clarify and convince. Instead: a screen for cynicism, curtain for doubt.

Doubt. What is architecture? Dietrich Neumann: a patient willingness to consider all... In the details, someone or another. And how do we care for a door? For the past? The place of knowledge, slow, hard-won. We move to sit on courtyard stone, to make one circle. Day of the Worker, Moscow, München, Berlin... Alvin Boyarsky, years back: Ask yourself--what are the problems that architectecture cannot solve? Two bricks, placed side by side...


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