8 July 2009. Sun, even at dawn. Small birds in the mimosa--the local crew. Greetings from the east...
Juanele, in the middle of the night...
El aguaribay florecido
Muchachas de ojos de flores y de labios de flores.
En la sombra exhala--¿de qué su dulce hálito?--
los vestidos ligeros, muy ligeros, con pintas.
Arde de abejas el aguaribay, arde.
Ríen los ojos, los labios, hacia las islas azules
a través de la cortina
de los racimos
Ríen los ojos, los labios. ¿Veis las muchachas o es
la tenue sombra ebria
y bordoneada
que alucina de muselinas claras
y de otras flores vivas--extrañas flores vivas--
riendo, riendo, riendo hacia las islas?
Muchachas de ojos de flores y de labios de flores.
Arde de abejas el aguaribay, arde.
* * *
The Pepper Tree in Flower
Girls with eyes of flowers and lips of flowers.
In the shade it's sighing--from what source this sweet breath?--
light dresses, very light, with small touches of color.
Burning with bees, the pepper tree, burning.
Laughing, the eyes, the lips, even to the blue islands
through the curtain
of clustered berries
pale ones.
Laughing, the eyes, the lips. Do you see the girls or is it
the tenuous shadow, drunken
and deep chorded
that would seem to beam of light muslins
and of other living flowers--strange and alive--
laughing, laughing, laughing even to the islands?
Girls with eyes of flowers and lips of flowers.
Burning with bees, the pepper tree, burning.
Juan L. Ortíz
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