Monday, April 16, 2007

Analect 2.80x

13 April 2007. Morning.

"Street Sense is my horse. We're gonna run him tomorrow, let him stretch his legs..." John from the hole-in-the-wall take-out place just up the street. Gravel Camel-smoked voice, crew cut with touch of gray, weathered face. Paddock and field. Last night: the cowboy. Rottweiler video clip--why on earth did I show it--running without sound, powerful dog, low to the ground, lunging at the heifers to get them in line. Jumpy resistance of the cows themselves--amazingly agile, given their bulk, dodging his every move...but also acquiescent--slow-eyed gaze, impassive. Better without sound, just their liquid movements...

Hojin's Taoist interpretation of the Orpheus myth...all that we turn towards, yet must need leave behind...

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