Thursday, January 14, 2010

Analect 2.638x

14 January 2010. Vapors rising from pool, ships in the night...

Soviet era songs, their bright instrumentation, touch of the Hebraic, American jazz (muted trumpets, wiggly clarinets) and a subtle marshall undertone thoughout--an obligato to difficult times. Gray upon gray--as in Deborah's description of Kabul--the dust in the summer, winter mud...three or four paved streets, rocks and potholes everywhere--narry a tree in sight--cut down for firewood, or blasted... Port-au-Prince...

Utesov. Song in honor of an armored train--from memory as well. A strange name--strannoe nazvanie--and strange the cities on its route: Irkutsk, Lvov, Krakow, Warszawa... Destinations of the mind, vapors rising from a pool...

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