Tuesday, August 25, 2009


25 August 2009. Gray, like fall. Warm face of lifeguard girl, smiling, coffee in covered paper cup and what looks to be a delicious bagle with cream cheese and lox. Luxuries of seven am...

A glance at email. Misplaced personal belongings--as in tenderness, or affection. Indelible commodity, with clumsy fit in the public realm. Acts of pulling back--families become surnames, relatives facebook accounts, friends a set of initials. Not single ones, as in "m." but doubled, in capital letters, instrumental and efficient, inserted at the end in miniaturized act of defiance. Like the wearing of coat and tie--or the armor of a three-piece suit. Impervious...

Bureaus and bureaucracies, things slipped into drawers, the mystery of the paper process, the rotary file, the spell check...

A man and a horse, in a field. "La yegua es la mejor amiga del hombre... ¿QuĂ© duda cabe?

* * *

("A mare is a man's best friend..." What doubt could there be?)

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