Monday, August 10, 2009

Analect 2.550x

10 August 2009. Sun, warm day. Blue green pool, churners...

Piedra y camino--Atahualp Yupanqui. Born Héctor Roberto Chavero, in Pergamino, a railway town on the open plains of the Provincia de Buenos Aires... His father had lived as a gaucho, but took a job with the railroad for the security of his new family; they moved often from stationhouse to stationhouse, across the llanura...

"Mi padre era poco amigo de explicaciones. Pienso que tal vez prefería enfrentarse al paisaje, a los hombres, a las cosas que pueden ayudar a entender la vida, para que poco a poco yo sacara mis propias conclusiones. Tenía, sí, el buen tacto de no ofrecerme espectáculos. Muchas veces, con una mirada o una palabra, me ordenaba alejarme de gentes que él no consideraba oportunas o dignas para mis ojos... Me cuidaba sin que yo me percatara. Jamás tuve mejor baquiano que mi padre, en la pampa y en la vida." (El canto del viento)

* * *

(My father was little friend of explanations. I think that he preferred to confront the landscape, people, the things that help one understand life, in order that little by little I might draw my own conclusions. Yes, he had the good tact not to show me vulgaritiers. Many the time, with a glance or a word, he would order me to distance myself from the types that he didn't consider worthwhile or dignified enough for my eyes... He looked out for me without my noticing. I never had a better guide than my father, on the pampa or in life...)

(The Song of the Wind)

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