Thursday, June 07, 2007

Analect 2.98x

15 My 2007. Denver, too, 1955, tender morning sun, Arapahoe Street, Lula and all. A single bird flying high above the Sappa, fish in the shallows, a meadow...

Sea of Okhotsk, the Russian Far East, beyond Sibir'... Sakhalin, fir trees and otters, rutted road to the far north, as in Chekhov's time. The Port of Okha, one rusted freight car with reddish roof, lurching into a sand bank, wooden catwalk along the top... A few wispy blades of grass, poking up through the sand, for a month or two at this time of year. Then ice and snow--where the whale fish blow, and the daylight's seldom seen, my boys...and the daylight's seldom seen...

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