2 May 2007. Filtered sun, pushing through. "More sunlight than shade." The empirical judgment--in conjunction with theory (but only if cloudy). Shabbos ending at the appearance of three stars...such a reliable test, enjoyable even, peering up into the heavens, awaiting their arrival. That's three middle-sized stars--not just Venus, hogging the whole sky, or the moon, certainly--the major players. Rather Arcturus, Boëtes or Casseopeia...a twinkling Vega, Orion... They show in moments, not all at one go, twinkling here and there. "Teased out," the current phrase, implying subtlety, but already over-stated. The things we can't say. Chuang Tzu would know. Each one lost, inevitable. Victor Pelevin, sitting cross-legged in a Korean monastery, his face to a bare wall. Hours so...
But also the American workman in heavy canvas dun-colored vest, with a 12-pack of Schlitz on the counter in the 7-eleven, facing a dark and smiling clerk, from Pakistan...
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