3 June 2009. Early morning rain, pouring through birch leaves...
Mendoza y San Juan. Fiesta familiar. Cast iron pot, tended over outdoor fire. Puchero--a country stew. Man in white, reversed cap, moustache. Fragment of car amidst dusty trees, bicycle leaning in the shade. Racima de uvas. The usual, a documentary--except that these folks are not actors. Woman's face, older, high cheekbones, narrowed mouth over absent teeth. Calm in white, birdlike for a moment, smoking. Voices in the background, story of the gathering gradually brought forth, country accents, music always just behind. Una tonada...
"Y no pueden cantar cueca, aún menos tonada... con la garganta seca, era tragito el único que faltaba..."
* * *
(One certainly can't sing a cueca, much less a tonada, when the throat is dry...so, a little drink, that's all that was lacking...)
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