5 June 2009. Big clouds against runs of blue, interspersed, raked edges...
Gombrowicz in Buenos Aires, Ferdydurke. Saer: "...y Gombrowicz ha sostenido que, si no podían entenderse, era porque a Borges le interesaba la literatura y a él, Gombrowicz, únicamente la vida..."
Gombrowicz: "¿cúales eran mis oportunidades para entenderme con una Argentina intelectual al mismo tiempo que esteticista y filosofadora? Lo que me fascinaba en ese país eran los bajops fondos, pues allí me recibía por la alta sociedad. Yo estaba embrujado por la noche del Retiro, ellos por la CiudadLuz, París."
Ay, ay ay ay vi'a di'r parando
soy un criollo nada más
no vengo a buscar su aplauso
sólo quiero tu humandad.
Orlando Vera Cruz, Pilchas Gauchas
* * *
"...and Gombrowicz has maintained that, if the two of them were unable to understand one another--he and Borges--it was because Borges was interested in literature, and he, Gombrowicz, uniquely in life itself...."
"What were my opportunities to get along with an intellectual Argentina which was at the same time aesthete and philosophizer? What fascinated me in that country were the lower depths, for there I was received by high society. I was bewitched by the nighttime of Retiro, they by the City of Light, Paris."
Ay, ay ay ay let me tell you, coming to a close
I'm a criollo, nothing more
I'm not here to look for applause
I only want your brotherhood.
Orlando Vera Cruz, Gaucho Clothes)
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